Year: 2023
Biden Hates Ultra MAGA
15% off Today for items in the Old Hippie’s Ultra MAGA Gift Shop. It costs nothing to look, and I assure you that you will
Attention Veterans
and family/friends of Vets looking to buy a Vet a nice gift. I promise you they’ll wear it out. 15% off Today with this coupon
Don’t Blame the Sheep Dog
For killing the Wolf, when It was the fault of the wolf for threatening the flock.
The FBI Says “Yeah We Did That, but”
Those people are gone so you can trust them now.
Biden Crime Family Privilege
The Deep State will protect their own by destroying evidence of guilt, punish those who won’t just let it ride, grand Juries are rigged, and
The Only Thing Worse Than an Enemy
Is a traitor!
Let’s Start Applying Justice
Fairly & Equally, instead of Banana Republic Justice
Happy Mother’s Day
To Hillary Clinton’s Mother